Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Comment

Well, well, there is how many millions of gallons of oil leaked into the gulf of Mexico, and how many gallons of corexant to break it up and turn it into orange goo instead of black goo?

Now people would have us believe that it has all disappeared magically almost seemingly overnight. I don't believe it. Just because we can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't still with us. My question is, how come the "junegrass" that normally comes for a week or maybe two in June is still with us in August? I don't see oil in the water here in Destin, but I sure see more seaweed than ever before. Has the oil warmed the Gulf? I don't have the answers.

I hope just because the deepwater horizon tragedy is not as volatile at the moment as it was a few short weeks ago, that we don't forget what has happened here in the Gulf. A tragedy has occured, and our Gulf is changed probably for my lifetime. Only time will tell what the effect is on the entire ecological system in the Gulf of Mexico. For now, I just hope that people who have vacationed here and loved the area return here again and again to support the local economy!

The catastrophe could still be worse if the static kill doesn't work, but we will count on the "kill" working. We can't imagine anything else. Just remember that because the "emergency" has passed, the tragedy and long term problems caused by the leak has not.

For more information and live links, go to http://www.destinhomerealtor.com/ or http://www.oilslickdestin.com/ or email MykeSaysSold@aol.com

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